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English to Speakers of Other Languages (EESL)

i. EESL 5050. Graduate Writing for TESOL. Units: 3

Writing for academic purposes at the graduate level, for candidates in the Master of Arts in TESOL. Academic language, multiple academic genres, academic citation and reference conventions, avoiding plagiarism.

ii. EESL 5200. Language Studies for Educators. Units: 3

Introduction to the study of language structure meaning and use for language teachers and educators; survey of first and second language acquisition processes and theories. Introduction to situational, geographical, and identity- based language variation.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​iii. EESL 5300. Technology-Enhanced Language Learning. Units: 3

Survey and practice in technology applications for teaching English as an additional language in educational environments including electronic media, Internet, cloud-, mobile-, CD-ROM-, or DVD-based interactive materials, networks, and multimedia. Course includes a computer lab for hands-on application activities with multimedia and technology applications. Formerly offered as EESL 521. Two hours lecture and two hours activity.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​iv. EESL 5500. Listening and Speaking Methods in TESOL. Units: 3

Survey of contemporary pedagogy for teaching listening and speaking skills in English-as-a-second-language (ESL) and English-as-a-foreign-language (EFL) classrooms. In-depth analyses of purposes, audiences, and strategies for oral expression; including methods for teaching pronunciation in second-language acquisition. Formerly a topic under EESL 543.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​v. EESL 6300. Crosscultural Teaching. Units: 3

Methods and teaching techniques for teaching in multicultural and crosscultural settings in both ESL and EFL contexts. Developing cultural awareness of teachers to assist them in relating to and motivating culturally diverse students. May be offered through distance learning. Formerly EELB 536.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​vi. EESL 6400. Literacy in TESOL. Units: 3

Semester Prerequisite: EESL 5100
Survey of contemporary approaches to teaching and assessing literacy in multilingual contexts. Introduction to teaching, assessing, and designing instruction for reading and writing, including emergent and basic literacy for children and adults; reading and writing skills and strategies; writing for personal, academic, and creative purposes; and critical literacy.

​​​​​​​vii. EESL 6600. Structure, Function and Acquisition of English. Units: 3

Survey of theories and approaches in second language acquisition across settings. Structures, functions and uses of the English language, and how they are acquired and taught in second language and foreign language classrooms. Formerly EESL 660.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​viii. EESL 6700. Principles and Practice in TESOL. Units: 3

Second language acquisition theory, methods for teaching English as a second language (ESL), lesson planning, development and evaluation of materials and activities for ESL instruction. Formerly EESL 670.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ix. EESL 6800. Research in TESOL. Units: 3

Overview of important themes and debates in TESOL research, offering a perspective on current research principles and modes of investigation across a wide spectrum of topics in teaching English to speakers of other languages, including communicative competence, transfer, modalities of language use, learning styles and strategies, and language acquisition. Students develop and master skills for interpreting, reviewing, and writing up research. Formerly EESL 685.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​x. EESL 6900. Fieldwork: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. Units: 3

Quarter Prerequisite: consent of instructor
Supervised field work at pre-approved fieldwork sites in selected teaching methods and materials development for TESOL. Formerly EESL 679.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​xi. EESL 6980. Comprehensive Examination in TESOL. Units: 0

Semester Prerequisite: EESL 6100, Advancement to candidacy, approval of department, submission of Candidate Assessment Portfolio, and good academic standing. An assessment of the candidate's ability to integrate the knowledge of the discipline, and demonstrate critical and independent thinking that evinces mastery of the subject matter. Graded credit/no credit.